eyes finally open

By cradleyheathen


this, finally is my finished miniature landrover. this has cost a small fortune, literally more than my real car has cost! underneath it has a proper steel chassis, and everything is on proper automotive bearings just like a real car. its powered by 2x12v batteries and has a proper working diff at the back and centre pivot suspension meaning it will go over uneven surfaces with ease.

its been a little testing at times getting it to how you see it now, but its been very worthwhile now i have had a ride up and down the street in it, as well as going over the park and ploughing through the mud.

still it never was never the plan to keep it as im a bit big for it, so its going on ebay soon.

anyone got any little brats that deserve the ultimate toy? go on, spoil the little bleeders and buy them this, i would have cut off my left n*t for this when i was young!

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