Anne's Daily Encounters

By dutchdelight

Rhino Wrestling

Sunday last we had a family day out at the Amersfoort Zoo and there I gathered more interesting pictures than what I shot here today; so I'll post a picture made there and then.

Not even in Africa we'd get this close to such a scene of two rhinos engaged in a romp. We'd watched them for some 15 minutes while they teased one another, clashed into one another and ran around behind one another. 
Surely their territory here in this zoo isn't as large as a wildpark is in Africa, but here they do have spacious grounds and a pond at their disposal where they can roam and play and mate and fight; we felt privileged watching them from so close by.... just looked up in Wikipedia what kind of Rhinocerus this is... it's the Indian Armor Rhino; hence their wrestling around :-) 

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