58° North Daily

By 58NorthPhoto

Planes, trains and hospital beds

Well today was a little more eventful that I'd have liked.

After the flight from Stornoway to Glasgow I got on the train to Preston and started to feel really poorly. I put it down to a bit of travel sickness and maybe indigestion but after getting off the train the abdominal pain just got worse and worse to the point I was doubled over in pain.

We rang NHS Direct who I think were convinced I was having a heart attack and wanted to send an ambulance! Eventually they agreed I could get my mum to drive me to A&E, where I was fast tracked and had blood tests, an ECG and x-ray and various things by IV including buscopan and morphine for the pain! They thought I might have perforated something. Thankfully the tests all came back negative for anything and they decided it was just a severe tummy infection or cramping caused by severe indigestion and I was allowed to go.

Slightly embarrassing being in hospital for what might have been indigestion but I have never felt pain like it, and better to be safe than sorry. Anyway, I'm feeling much better this morning, so the panic is over. I'd have been gutted if we'd had to miss the holiday, but what a drama!

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