Occasionally Focused

By tsuken

It's Really Purple

Nothing much photographic today. I was going to blip a self-portrait when I got back from the gym all sweaty ... but I ain't going. It's grey and wet and miserable - and so am I, having had Miss 7 come in and join us in bed at gawd-knows-what time this morning. So I'm being lazy, so no sweaty selfie. So here's something from the garden instead. It's actually rather purple, but in every photo I take of it, it looks blue.

Mstr 5 told us today he was a "champion for the 5 Ls" - which he informed us are:

Eyes Looking
Lips locked
Legs crossed
Hands in Laps, and

He was very pleased with himself. 8) Just because, here he is perusing a book on fire engines.

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