Into the woods

Bailey had his annual vaccination and check up at the vets today. It was all very organised: numbered car park bays and the vet came out to collect and then return him. He went off quite happily and was out fairly quickly. Payment through the window and we were all done. Home via the shops round the corner for some Bailey stuff. 

The first garden job of the weekend done before lunch: teak protector added to the birthday bench which has really enhanced its colour. The second coat was a little cursory but it looks OK and it's a job ticked off the list. The grass cutting and planting of bulbs had to wait until tomorrow with an invite from the favourite people to go for a walk in the woods this afternoon. Bailey was very happy to see them. He had a few lie-downs but jumped a couple of logs, picked his way through trees and ran after his favourite in spurts. He has been fairly sleepy since.  

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