Le Boeuf?

I've tasted goat on an African boat,
I ate giraffe - just for a laugh,
And Zebra too - as you do.

I've a passion for pig - belly and rib,
I've eaten cow, for a long time now,
I'll stew a lamb - when I can.

When I'm the host, I serve turkey - roast,
Chicken coronation - for a celebration,
Duck stir fry for friends passing by.

I'm game with game - wild or tame,
Partridge and Pheasant are perfectly pleasant,
Venison and deer - I marinade in beer.

Dog and cat are not where I'm at,
Guinea pig? Is not what I dig,
As for equine - for me it's fine.

I don't wish to brag - but I've eaten nag,
I'll dine on horse - If I know the source,
But don't fob me off by calling it boeuf.

I wouldn't eat this horse - It's a friend course!

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