Tyred Out

I actually managed a ‘lie in’ until 7 a.m. today - a couple of extra hours! Am shattered after a weekend with the granddaughters.

I did manage a couple of hours walking before lunch - however I am slipping behind on my target of over 12K steps a day to achieve a total of 2000 miles by the end of the year. Still feels odd not having a dog with me - and meeting other dog walkers who enquire after Finlay just makes it worse.

It was hard over the weekend too, hearing the eldest granddaughter (6) explaining, matter of factly, to youngest (2) that Finlay was dead and wasn’t coming back!

The tyre belongs to an old trailer that has been abandoned in the woods (blipped before). I have added an extra of a rusty piece of the tail gate assembly. It is so overgrown now that I cannot get around to the side shown in the previous blip

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