Shocking News

An unexpected trip along to the Waterfront with the son who was in the vicinity doing bicycle related activities. 
Meanwhile it’s all kicking off in Studentland. There having been an unexpected rise in cases amongst the returning hordes, they’ve been banned from going out to the pub or socialising. In fact, they can’t even go home to maw and paw. The nation’s favourite dentist, clarified matters thus: “was asked last night whether students in halls and flats can go back to parents’ homes. To clarify, they are a separate household. There are exceptions, eg caring responsibilities, but the law is clear: they can’t meet indoors with another household – even mum and dad. Sorry.”
So there you have it. That’s the law. I never thought we’d have a situation where the state could dictate who you could have visit you in your own dwelling. And even prevent your own son or daughter doing that. But many people lap it up. After all, it is for your own good, and who am I to disagree? Who was that guy again? Milgram. The Perils of Obedience. 

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