Icelandic yogurt time after she slept well...

and we didn't as related below.

Luckily, little Merry has no dairy allergies and often helps us finish our morning yogurt. She's fond of every flavor and it's probably nice to have another flavor than rabbit day after day.

Lazy day here for me, a big work day for T, after a fitful night. We were awoken at 2AM with a haunting cacophony. A shockingly vocal, running pack of coyotes were approaching. The howling volume increased almost instantly as we woke up, they must have been racing at top speed. We sprang to the windows thinking they would flash by on the front lawn, the barking, yelping and baying was so intense. We could see absolutely nothing moving, just the moon and street light illuminated lawn and street. Surprisingly and for reasons unknown, the howling stopped suddenly. One second it was echoing around the upstairs rooms and the next second there was abrupt and complete silence!  We stayed up a bit, honestly quite rattled, it's an awful, wild sound, especially to wake up to. We live near the meandering Indian Head River that flows into the tidal North River and the Atlantic. Every now and then we hear them howiling faintly at night. Those howls are usually way in the distance, as they run along the river. This was like having them in the house, just chilling.

For the Record,
This day came in warm and sunny

All hands wary. T's glad it's the weekend

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