Covid App

Not sure whether this is going to do much. But I'll give it a try next time I go out. Difficulty is this....up until now I don't know if I've been anywhere near a Covid infected person. I assume I haven't, so I carry on with "new normal" life. Now the app may tell me I have been near an infected person and must self isolate. Now me being a total rule obeyer, I will! But lots of people won't, so where does that get us? Is obeyer a new word that I have invented?

Sadly we decided to postpone Neil and Sandi's visit. Jack's knee is causing him a lot of pain and we realised we wouldn't be much fun at all. Hopefully once Jack has had the x-ray next Friday we will find out what's going on and we can get another date in the diary to see N&S. xx

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