Let's Play

Fletcher playing with his good friend Deuce. I just love Fletch's anticipatory body language as he waits for Deuce to bring the play to him. What fun! ;)
In the *extra...a couple of denizens of the DogPark Pond; a Brown Water Scorpion Ranatra fusca  Rather small (less than 3 inches long), and not at all a threat to mammals but watch out aquatic insects, tadpoles or even small fish! This 'Underwater Assassin' grabs it's prey with it's front legs and then skewers it with a pointed mouth part, which it then uses like a straw to suck out the hapless creatures bodily fluids, leaving an empty husk when finished with it's meal. Yum! And then there's the 'Water Strider' Aquarius remigis!
It's also got that 'skewering and sucking' thing down, but it's true claim to fame is it's ability to 'Walk On Water'. This 'trick' is accomplished by 'Buoyancy due to water surface tension'...from there it gets into more Physics than I'm comfortable with! So now you 'know' and if you feel the need to understand all this at some higher level, you should 'google it'! ;) 
A Peaceful Week to All!

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