New furry friend

Isn’t he cute! Only realised once I got back and studied my day’s haul of photos. Perhaps one of you knowledgable blippers can identify the species. Assume not a dreaded processionary caterpillar as he was all alone.

To M & H at 3. By then a pleasant, 16C but ‘feel’ of 18C. Sat on their terrace and savoured M’s vegan lemon drizzle cake. Nice of her to consider me. Chatted about this and that.

We then walked up to the secret wooded area, favoured by local doggy people. Just up from the house, with a lovely view down to Poole Harbour.

Checked today’s MaryElizaR‘s Tiny Tuesday challenge, and I’m in the Perfect Location:

“Look down on the ground - find something tiny on the ground..a bug, a rock, a leaf or something that you would normally overlook”.

And I found and blipped my furry friend, now recorded for posterity

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