Sally Mair - Loving life

By Sallymair

Fish bird mouse

You may not instantly recognise the subject of my emergency blip tonight but I can assure you that it's very special. It will be 8 years old this Christmas, it arrived the same day as Cleo. We actually have at least two of these, the other is in slightly better condition with slightly more of its feathery tail left. I have repairs them many times to stop the stuffing coming out completely and they are very interesting shales now. Presumably, 8 years ago they had catnip in them, but that must have disappeared a very long time ago. Cleo adores them. She runs around with them in her mouth making a very distinctive miaowing sound - presumably she can't make her usual sound as her mouth is full of toy! She brings them to me to throw for her so that she can run after them and bring them back. I keep telling her she's a cat not a dog, but she will persist. Ah well, each to their own.
Today passed. I slept well last night, got up lazily walked to get m in law's paper. Did a bit of dusting and floor washing. Did some weeding, took part, as the responder, for Zoom evening prayer. Entertained Ali as we sat in the garage for a cup of tea and she sat out in the driveway. That way we oldies got to avoid the worst of the draughts. Did I really just describe include myself as an oldie? I don't actually believe it, like Jean, I am in my prime!!! Lovely to see Ali and she liked the dress of yesterday's blip.
After dinner I packed for mum, as she goes home tomorrow. I played the second hour of Zoom bridge.... and so to bed. No Nytol tomorrow as I have to get up early so fingers crossed that I sleep OK.
Take care and stay safe everybody. How did we end up with this bunch of idiots in charge of the country. Did we really do something so awful that this is what we deserve?
I'm glad I'm in Scotland but this affects all of us.

Steps today 7579.

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