Occasionally Focused

By tsuken

Westward Ho

Odd start to the day today. Woke late (6:00), and got up to find light in the front room. Said light emanated from the TV, where Miss & was sitting and watching. Mrs tsuken said later that she heard Missymoo at around 5am, but thought she was just going to the toilet. Guess she'd been watching a fair bit of telly then. And that followed a little later bedtime because she's been being helpful washing the dishes. Not sure that's going to work, if she gets up that much earlier following a later night.

Anyway, then she pulls out all her Toy Story toys (some of her favourite things), and notes that Woody is missing. Where's Woody? I don't know ... umm .. I think ... ummm ... I was ... umm on the silver seats" ... At. School. So, there goes that then. She no longer has a Woody - which is her favourite character. :-( Then she tells us she'd already lost Jessie - and hadn't said anything before. Even if she saves up all her pocket money, and gets extra, it doesn't seem they're really available. :-(

We're such softies we want to find and buy them, but it's perhaps best she learns from it. But then we feel mean. :-(


I think there will be a special circle of hell reserved for me after today. I used the phrase "sesquipedalian loquaciousness" in the note I wrote in a patient's file. I'm so meta. And ironic. And such.

Started reading Game of Thrones, having finished Timeline. Rather pleased with both the starting and the finishing, as George R. R. Martin's writing is quite some orders of magnitude better than Crichton's. The characters have life and individuality, and the whole thing seems to breathe (if that makes sense).

This I took on Katoomba railway station, looking westward. I took four or five shots, but this was the only one I kept. You can look large and also in B&W.

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