Crafty day

After wasting so much time and effort on updating my food diary on the WW app yesterday I decided not to bother today. It's so much quicker to write it in a diary than have to search for every item and then work out how to add it in the right place. I have much more enjoyable things to do. I have a zoom call with them tomorrow and will discuss the fact that my aim is not to lose weight, although I know I will cutting back the sugars, and I'm not really interested in their point system, as after completing the questionnaire the suggested meals included meat, which we don't eat, and no elusion to the fact that I should be using only brown everything, which I do anyway, to help with reducing blood sugars.  I have come to the conclusion that their aim is probably to steer you towards buying their meals and snack bars, which I certainly won't be 
doing, so it's easy to count the points! My chat with them could be interesting! That's enough about all that.
I did spend my day happily crafting away. I changed the arm buttons on Luna Lapin and I'm much happier with the way they now sit against the body and move for the addition of clothes. I'm really looking forward to the dressing of them. I also made two personalised birthday cards, for SIL and a dear friend from Weymouth who I keep in touch with most days. I was disappointed with the colours on SIL's card but decided I could get away with it p, as the photos of her grandchildren will please her,  and the card had a bit of an antique look about it. I know my friend will love hers at it has her dearest companion on the front, the lovely Archie. Also inside there is a photo of Archie and Reggie together taken on one of our many walks together. Happy memories.
I had salmon with potato and parsnip mash for dinner, probably not on the WW list!

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