Sally Mair - Loving life

By Sallymair

Posted Frank(ed)

EB tonight but it does reflect a part of my day. I picked up these stamps at the PO today and they made me think what beautiful works of art some of our stamps are. These are two of a set of 6 'brilliant bugs' currently available.
With the reduction in letter writing we don't see stamps often enough. I keep having to remind myself that I don't write letters very often these days and that I probably don't need all the beautiful stamps I buy. I couldn't resist the Harry Potter series last year though. Then there were the birds of prey and the David Bowie set, Joyce needed the latter, there were Rupert the Bear, Queen, James Bond, just so many to choose from. I try to use them when I send birthday cards or special occasion cards, so I apologise if sometimes when you get a card from me the stamp is perhaps a little odd, but I really am a philatelist at heart who is trying to train herself not just to enjoy collecting them, but actually to enjoy using them as well. I am one of those people who buy lots of Christmas stamps so I can use them throughout the year, I've only a few of last years set left, but the new ones come out next month!!!
Other than that... went for my flu jab only to find they'd cancelled the drive through clinic. I called my GPs to find out why. Apparently they didn't have enough demand on Friday (Saturday was then cancelled due to weather) I thought Sunday would be busy as a result, and as our clinic is at the Gyle I decided to wait till today so it would be quieter. I and I'm sure many others did as suggested and didn't rush to the first clinics last weekend but waited till this, only to find out that they have now cancelled ALL the weekday clinics, after only one, is irritating to say the least. Who wants to go to the Gyle at the weekend but it seems there is now no choice.
I took my car down to Restalrig next to get its brakes done as highlighted in its MOT. On the way back, a flying visit to return something to Lakeland then home in time for my Cursillo Zoom Reunion which was very encouraging as usual. There is something very special about meeting regularly with the same few people once a fortnight, for, in one case, over 30 years. You can't pull the wool over their eyes!....Although now I can mute them or turn off my video lol! I always feel that has something of the same feel to it as putting my fingers in my ears, closing my eyes and going "la, la, la, la, la" loudly!! :-)

Colin got back from Banchory today which was good, his mum is now settled back into her refurbished flat.
We had a quiet evening watching Only Connect then University Challenge, sometimes the randomness of my general knowledge quite astounds me. Good to see Edinburgh going through as one of the highest runners up but I do wonder how and if they got on with filming the rest of the series, we are almost at the end of the first round and that matches up with the beginning of lockdown.... What next?

Keep well and safe everybody. Sounds like in the next couple of weeks the threatened 'circuit breaker' lockdown will be set here in Scotland. (who dreamt up that name? ) I know in some ways it's a sensible time economically when many had planned to be home for the children, but oh how those children so need to be able to go out with their family and to play with friends and have a bit of normality.

Steps today 4500 oh dear, slipping again.

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