
By Veronica


I took another day off today -- why not, it's Friday! And spent most of it lounging around reading books. I'm enjoying browsing the Tom Ang Month by Month book. It doesn't give detailed technical how-tos (although there are some useful tips for particular situations); it's all about ideas and inspiration for photographing obvious subjects in a different way, or photographing things you might not have thought were blippable. I liked this bit in the introduction:

"What matters most of all is to approach each and any day with the knowledge that a fine image is possible ... Success is measured entirely by using what you have on what you see to produce the best you can ... We hope this book fills your mind with images you want to look for."

So with that I perversely decided not to go out looking for subjects to photograph as I usually do. Instead, I took some quick photos of the bunch of tulips I bought for S yesterday (he didn't get left out of the V-Day festivities!). Now I can see ways I could have done this better by spending more time on it, but I liked the sharp sunlight hitting the petals and shining through the leaves. And the tulips will still be there tomorrow, so expect to see them here again soon -- I love their soft pink and green hues.

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