Marjorie's ramblings

By walkingMarj

I used to have ringlets/speckled wood

Where I was a little girl, with beautiful auburn hair, I had ringlets. I loved them.

Just before I went to school, Mum took me to a hairdresser and my hair was cut in short bob. Horrid, but no doubt practical!

These memories have nothing to do with today's ringlet butterfly. I rarely catch butterflies in photos. It was very sunny today but quite cold, so that may have slowed this one down.

WHOOPS not a ringlet but a speckled wood. How to change the story?

When I was young I had freckles - I still do!!

I walked by the river at Chipchase. There were a couple of fishermen, both standing up to their thighs in the water. I saw them cast a lot but no fish were caught. My extra is the image I intended for the blip, but I did not think it was technically good. I loved the light on the river and the line.

In other news, Maureen has responded well to the drain which was inserted yesterday. The pressure on her brain has reduced and the symptoms of a stroke have gone away. She has a long way to go for recovery and I'm trying to persuade her to just rest in hospital. It's not her style!!

Life in the time of Covid 19
The 10 cases I reported last night are in our ward not in the village. Actually they could all be in the village, but they are somewhere in the ward which is a lot bigger.
This is definitely not the time to relax our guard.

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