A face that only a mother could love!

The English Bulldog

So called as they were originally bred to bait bulls.

The breed is now renowned for it's interbreeding and over development of its characteristics. If you look at images in old paintings - or visit the collection of dogs at Tring Natural History Museum that dates from the 1920s it is very apparent that the breed type has changed significantly.

Virtually all puppies are born by Caesarian Section, because the large head and broad shoulders are too big to pass naturally through the birth canal.

Bull Dogs are prone to heart conditions, breathing problems including sleep apnea, collapsed nasal passages and soft palate deformaties. Sometimes the facial folds of skin are so large they cover the nostrils. These folds need to be cleaned daily to avoid chaffing, a build up of dead skin and infection.

Bull Dogs may also suffer from blisters between the toes, tightly curled or ingrowing tails, and problems with their eyes.

They have the shortest lifespan of all dogs.

Love 'em or hate 'em the Kennel Club has a lot to answer to.

My soap box has just fallen over, so I'll shut up!

Have a brilliant weekend y'all - I will !!

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