Life in Sunny Dubai

By GadgetKid

New addition to my desk


Yesterday was so busy, there was no chance to blip, so writing this a day later. Fortunately, G has a later start. I met up with Patrick after I dropped her off. He's been saying about getting a proper camera to make videos, so we decided that rather than sell one of our DSLR's, we'd give it to him. He was thrilled.

Back home for the day and it was non-stop. I've got three projects running at the same time and am not doing well. Hosting Mono Monday tomorrow could be the easiest thing. :)

My blip is of the newest addition to my workspace. I got G a laptop stand last month, but she let me use it until mine arrived. I love how these stands leave the air vents at the bottom open so the laptop stays cool. Mine (in the picture) is different to hers in that I am able to see my laptop's light indicating it is charging. Also, mine folds almost flat, so it fits neatly in my laptop case. It came with its own pouch! Amazing.

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