
Quite proud of myself today - I got up early and went out for a walk before work.  I'm really not a morning person, so it's an effort!  It was a lovely morning though, and I was glad to have done it.  Called my Mum on the way back and had a short but nice catch up with her.  "I don't half miss you", she said.  I feel the same!

Had a decent work day after that.  It's all feeling a bit calmer at the moment, and I'm managing to get things ticked off my list.  I'm sure it'll all go mad again soon, but I'm appreciating it while it lasts.

Tim went for a follow up appointment at the hospital this afternoon - all good.  I cooked us a big chicken tray bake for dinner, and now we're looking forward to a new series of Taskmaster.  We know how to live!  lol

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