Walking Down the Mound

The city centre seemed eerily quiet this morning as I tripped the light fantastic down to see daughter#1 at the gallery. With all the restaurants and bars closed, people obviously though they wouldn’t bother coming into town early and it was rather earlier than I thought. That’s the trouble with wakening at a sparrow’s first fart, you think it’s lunch time when it‘s only 10am.

It was a rather depressing and cheerless day but made so much better by contact with some of the family. After seeing first daughter in the morning I was graced by a message from David and Luca asking if we could meet for a coffee in the afternoon. I haven’t seen them for ages even if they only live about a mile and a half away. They have been extremely diligent with the restrictions. It was either a meeting on the cold patio or a slightly warmer seat in Soderberg, so there was no argument. I heard about the trials of getting things done in their new house and the disappointment of not being able to let anyone see the transformation other than virtually.

Later, there was a face time call from daughter #2 up for the school holiday week in her house at Loch Rannoch to try and work out why my printer is no longer being recognised by my iPad and iPhone. No luck, we gave up. How I hate technology when it goes wrong. David had suggested I try Google, but I couldn’t understand any of the instructions other than turning everything off and then back on again.To be continued........

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