Branching out.

A very grey morning, but J went to meet the boys at Parc Slip, while I went for a walk.  I happened to look up and see this squirrel on a branch above me, and it was almost like he was transfixed for a moment, which gave me just enough time to take a photo, before he disappeared up the tree. We have just heard that we are have a circuit breaker, whatever that means, starting next Friday until the 9th November. Considering we haven't able to go outside our local borough for over three weeks, this is not good news at all. Only essential shops will be open, everything else will have to close, again.  We are having steak, roast potato's,  broccoli and cauliflower with cheese sauce for our evening meal. A diet may well be needed some time in the future, but food is my reward for doing what I'm told.

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