One daze at a time...

By Raheny_Eye

Morning, sunshine!

Well, well, well, thirteen years of blipping.  Except not really, because I smuggled a couple of backblips in there (my arse in the Atacama desert for example). But anyway, it’s been a loooooooong time since I started this blipping thing.

It started as a sprint, wondering if I’d be able to post 100 photographs. There was the quasi-religious fervour of the newly  converted. For the first three, or five (?), or ten (?) years, I lived and breathed blipfoto.
I no longer live and breathe blipfoto. It is my life. Effortlessly. I spend less time on it than I would have done in the past but it is still very much one of my daily activities. The day is not quite complete without having posted the daily snippet.

I’m shite at commenting but I can live with it.

Life is busy. The new-abnormal-that-we-have-been-coerced-to-treat-as-normal has been dominating our lives for the last 10 months. I record it every day, like the other days, the other years.

I have been lucky so far, it hasn’t impacted my life to the point of making me sad or depressed. It’s a temporary obstacle. The day I am no longer able to get to the West Pier for a swim, then I might go a little bit mental.
I still love my job. It has a meaning. I get concrete things done. Things that have a real meaning. And that require long term planning. No more of that making-a-quick-buck nonsense that’s fucking up the planet.

I am delighted I have blipfoto as the archive of my life. It’s a precious gift. It is well worth the subscription money I pay each year to keep the servers going. 

I look forward to more. I always do.

What started as a sprint is now the longest of marathons.
As long as I keep going, and as long as the website is allowed to keep going, this journal will continue.  I like uncomplicated, simple truths. In a world of uncertainty and ephemerality.

This journal has been rather tame until now. it was in its infancy. 
It's now entering its wild teens. You've been warned... 

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