We don’t get much chance to use the “best china”, our Royal Albert, Lavender Rose, these days, so as we have friends coming this afternoon and one just happens to have a birthday, I thought I would get out the decent cups, saucers and plates,  pretend that everything is normal and have a birthday tea - well cakes anyway!

When I was in M & S yesterday, I was wandering around and saw these Percy Pig cakes and thought they would make excellent little birthday cakes - and of course, I will put a candle on the birthday boy’s cake - all physically distanced, of course, but he will not be allowed to blow the candle out - that would be against the rules!  It’s a shame that the rain has been hammering down all morning and still is now, otherwise we could have had a garden party - but we will still enjoy being together.

There will be four of us, so I daresay that two of the cakes - there were six in the pack, but I preferred just having five on the plate - will go back home with them for our grandson, who has loved Percy Pigs since he was a little boy.  In fact, I used to tell him stories about how I went into Marks & Spencer and was looking for Percy Pig sweets for him and he loved to hear how many tills I went to before I eventually found some and managed to buy them for him.  He is now in his twenties, but still likes them!  I must admit, I am quite partial to them myself.

I have looked at the calorie count for each cake and it is 349!!  Ah well, I believe that when the birthday person is celebrating too, all calories leak out!

Please remember to click on this link so that those who cannot afford to pay for a mammogram can have one free.  Thank you.

"Too often we underestimate 
     the power of a touch, 
          a smile, 
               a kind word, 
a listening ear, 
     an honest compliment, 
          or the smallest act of caring, 
               all of which have the potential 
                    to turn a life around.”
Leo Buscaglia

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