An Optical Illusion And An Arachnid

It is Abstract Thursday with the theme "Distortion" , so what you think you are seeing is not actually what you are seeing.  It looks like a bunch of puffy egg-shaped objects, possibly chocolates or some other candies, but it is not.  It is a piece cut from a Wonder Bread bag, laid flat on the ground under one of the benches at the playground and photographed through the seat of that bench, focusing on the bag and not the bench.  That distorts the flat plane of the bag lying on the flat ground and gives the illusion of puffy forms.  I put the arachnid , some variety of Orb-Weaver spider, in the extras, because he was too handsome to pass up(you know my weakness for spiders) and though my histogram tells me there is pink,for Pinktober, I have put a tiny pink border to remind you to click on the link below to help provide mammograms for those who cannot afford to pay.  Thanks to Ingeborg for hosting!

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