Better Days, but not necessarily ahead.

Write write write, though I did manage an out and about - pulling on fender socks and giving the engine a bit of a turn over. And a most enjoyable couple of hours with a contented grandchild.  
The Spanish government has declared a six-month state of emergency and ordered a nationwide curfew, while Italians have been strongly advised to stay at home as both countries impose tough limits on people’s movements in an effort to contain the second wave of the coronavirus. (That was cut and pasted. Six effin months)
Over here, there has been a leak. From COSLA. Edinburgh may well be heading for tier three when we move to tiers. That’s pretty similar to the unsustainable shit (unless we really have found that money tree) we’re living through now, but no cinemas are allowed. Oh Joy.
So, to cap off the day we went to the cinema. Which was actually planned a few days ago. As there are hardly any new films, the Vue are wisely showing classics. And tonight’s was Alien! As terrific as ever. If you think that covid is scary, you don’t want to see that beastie. I think the PPE they were issued with wasn’t really up to the job.

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