Green Barge, Red Canoe.

Disappointed to see that one of my favourite boats has left the harbour to be replaced by a rather boring looking barge.

The extra (Nikon F3HP FujiFilm Neopan 400) was an image I had forgotten about that I have just had back from the developers. It made me laugh at the time (and still does) but there is a serious side too. Bristol escaped 'the first wave' relatively unharmed, but it's no coincidence that with the arrival of students to the University of Bristol our infection rate has shot up considerably. It is now believed we are heading towards  Tier 2  if not Tier 3. The other thing that I'm hoping is can someone explain to me about the testing of the students (there are thousands of students in the UK being tested each day)? Does the University pay for the tests? Do the universities do the testing 'in house'? If it is done in house, why weren't they testing the general population during the Summer when it was needed? If it's not in house and they are using the same labs, is the reason why key workers couldn't  get tested (without symptoms) is because the capacity went to those going to university (and they blamed parents for getting their children tested). I would love to know and would appreciate any answers. Take Care x

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