Wound up in Wexford

By Neatwithice

Another .....

...... late night Blip.

After another day of unremitting drizzle, we were relaxing in the living room in front of the fire.

We have been catching up with "Enslaved" on iPlayer - fascinating history and sometimes very moving and terrible, but particularly the last episode felt it was almost too much about Samuel L Jackson's personal journey.  And I also was left unsatisfied.  I know the film makers had to concentrate on one aspect, but there was no mention of the fact that the end of the trans-Atlantic slave traffic (as described in this program) was by no means the end of slavery, or the still incomplete journey to equal rights.  I was particularly frustrated when they were describing the actions of freed slaves in joining the army and helping to free other slaves in the American Civil War, with no mention of whether they were treated as equals in the army at that time, and if any of them managed to progress up the ranks.

After that, we wound down with a concert from the Berlin Phil, but were disturbed for the second time this week by a butterfly flying around the living room.  I managed to catch it - it was of course a peacock - and I put it outside.  W said, quite rightly, that it would not survive, but my justification is that at least outside it will make a snack for a bird, whereas it also will not survive indoors, because the house is too warm for it to hibernate.

This is a dead clivia flower.  One of the florets had fallen off and was on the windowsill, where, as I approached it, searching for the (at that time unidentified) butterfly, I was fooled into thinking we had a rather unusual moth in the room, and fetched the camera.  I was quickly disabused of this fancy, but decided that, since I still didn't have a blip for the day, the dead flower made a suitable subject.

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