Running, running...

This morning I headed out for my long run. With the rather unsettling news yesterday, I had in mind that it would be a long run today and a long run it was. Whilst I have enjoyed running for many years now, during the first lockdown, I increased my running to new levels, going from an average of 30 miles a week to around 45-50 miles and I used the time I was furloughed to train for a marathon. I completed this in my hometown at the end of June, accompanied by my friend who cycled with me for support, to carry my supplies and to make sure I was okay. 
Following that run, only two weeks later, I fell during a run and broke my arm. I was advised not to run for 6 weeks because of the risk that if I fell, I would certainly do more damage to my arm. It was a tough 6 weeks for me, but I got through it and within a matter of weeks was back to the mileage I was running before the accident.
Why do I run so much you may ask. There are several reasons I enjoy running. One is the physical exertion and how I always feel somehow set for the day (I always run first thing in the morning). When I have a day off, I do feel less energised. Other reason is that it gives me a break from everything else. Sometimes I listen to audiobooks, other times I use it just to be outside and the space enables me to have ideas for my writing. 
I finished writing a book recently which I have submitted to some publishing agents and have now started a third. Often whilst run ideas come to me about this and that and I think it is very much a case that the actual writing of the book is the last phase of the writing. A lot of the writing happens in the mind, before putting pen to paper. 
Running also for me is quite meditative. I usually count my paces whilst I run, which may sound very strange, but I have always done it and having learned and practiced meditation, can recognise that this is a form of that. A way of focusing the mind away from thoughts and just focusing on the steps and the counting. 
When things are difficult, like the news we all received in the UK yesterday, running is a way of getting out and feeling better about everything. Today’s 13 miles was very much a case of that. I felt better afterwards, used some of it to listen to my book, some to count and some to think a little about my own book that I am writing. 
So there are no end of benefits to running for me aside from the more obvious benefits with fitness. With the volume of running I do, trainers tend to only last me three months at a time and yesterday, after having my hair done, I went to the running shop and picked up a pair of my usual trainers which are brooks. I have been wearing the same brand of trainers for the last ten years or so and they do me well. This is my new pair that I will begin to break in this week. I usually do a few shorter runs in new trainers before wearing them on a long run, although they never seem to cause me any discomfort or problems.
I have spent the remainder of my day doing some writing and getting my head around the imminent lockdown due to start in a few days. I hope you have all had a lovely weekend

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