Life in Sunny Dubai

By GadgetKid

Another day, another Mall!

I do love a good handheld night shot that comes off with NO camera shake! Wey hey!

You probably think all I do is hang around in various different malls, but I don't! Really. Truly!

Dubai just has lots of them and G & I had to call in on this one to look at an oven! (There's a deal, and after chocolate cake baking of Friday which didn't come off as expected, G reckons the cooker may need to be changed. It is 17 years old and doesn't owe us anything, though still in good working condition!)

Anyway, today's picture is of Dubai Festival City, next to Ikea (blipped several times before). I do love this atrium especially the mumified palm trees with the lights around their trunks. See everything that's going on. (If you're wondering how much Dh 150 is in order to be in the draw to win the SUV - it is roughly £25 or $40).

We were on our way to aforementioned furniture store when we saw these two large RED hearts coming down the escalator. Camera quickly out of the bag . . . blip done! Jellyfox has blipped a close-up of them!

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