Ramblings and Mutterings

By ValleyAllBlack

The Offensive Rambler

Weather wasn't great when I got up but it started to clear so I headed out for a walk, as I knew I had a good few hours before lunch and could get some decent mileage in.  I decided to wear my new trousers, more of that below and in the extra.

Any way off I went on my walk, all was well, did the first big climb of the day and all was well.  But that was it, the less strenuous climb proved to be way harder than it should have been.  My legs had gone, no energy, and I felt really rough, bonked is the official terminology I believe.  I stopped for a rest and made my way home, I still had about an hour to walk so it wasn't easy.  Feet up the rest of the day and I had a cuppa with one of those toffee waffles to give me a quick energy hit.  I feel ok now but have no idea what happened today.  I mean yesterday I shot up the big climb setting a new PB, and even today the big climb was fine.  Just a blip I guess.

And so to the title of the blip.  As you can see in the extra my new trousers are red and black.  When I messaged my friend with a photograph she messaged back to say did I realise how offensive they were?  Lol!  Friends hey *eye roll*  My theory is why does walking kit always have to be a bland black or grey, which blends you in with the hills.  If Mountain Rescue needed to locate you, standing out with a bright colour would be good right?  So I'm not bothered what people think, they're great trousers and I like them.  Thoughts?

Today I am thankful for:

1.  Getting out for a walk, even if it wasn't as I would have hoped

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