
By dunkyc


I guess a crash after the euphoria of the shift in political landscape over the weekend was inevitable.

Probably didn’t help myself with having an exceptionally lazy day on Sunday and consuming far too much sugar - definitely the most major of my vices. You would have thought I would have learned by now…

Fortunately, I have small people who depend on me and they also serve as a great distraction when one is feeling a little sorry for one’s self, so we caught up over dinner (pasta pictured) and then played some silly games followed by a game of chess.

Having binged The Queen’s Gambit recently (HIGHLY recommended), we’ve had the chessboard out a couple of times for a few games. It’s interesting playing with the wee ones and trying to encourage them to think a few moves ahead, but also considering when to attack or defend. For now though, they are content with just trying to score points by taking each other’s pieces at every available opportunity.

Whilst I don’t think I am raising chess prodigies per se, it is nice to see them playing such a brilliant, multi-layered game.

I am now looking to name my own opening move and have come up with the following suggestions:-

The BigD Sleight
The Last Salvo
The King’s Beach
The Mourning Knight
Thor’s Wrath
The Fuzzy Masquerade

I may have too much time on my hands…..

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