Mono Monday: Week 355 ....

... Leading lines.

Since the weather continues to be unseasonably warm we took some time at lunch to go for a walk.  And since Housenick Memorial Park is the closest that's where we went.  We couldn't take a lot of time because Richard had to return to work .... which he is still doing from home.

I thought I would struggle with today's MM theme of leading lines but as we walked I remembered that there are train tracks at this park.  This is an active rail line so we had to be quick with our pictures.  Richard very kindly and willingly agreed to pose for me.  Here you can see him jumping for joy!  :-)

After we returned I sat on the deck again reading the paper and trying for my SquirrelsEtc blip ... it wasn't easy! But being outside enjoying the sunshine and warmth was all I needed. 

Thanks to Majoayee for hosting this week and to chantler63 for setting it all up. 

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