My Life In Pictures..

By SheWhoGlitters


I know, I'm sorry! It's Troy again.. But look how cute he is!!

I took this shot whilst we cruelly dangled a treat in front of him.. But don't worry, he did get his treat in the end! No animals were harmed in the making of this blip! And a big Thanks to H, who was my behind the scenes treat dangler!

He's very funny when food is around.. Begging isn't the word! His little ears double in size an he jumps about like a crazy thing! He could be completely fast asleep, but if you say the 'T' word, his head'll be up, cocking from side to side. He is especially sensitive to the word Chicken - we don't know why! Very belly driven :)

I will have more imaginative blips soon, I promise! Once I get this exam out of the way I can go blip hunting.. 4 more days - not sure if thats a good thing or a bad thing!

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