Reflections - Öland, East Anglia

Our day's walk was around the Beijershamn bird reserve, on the west coast of Öland, a bit to the south of the bridge to the mainland. Following Sod's Law, in this particular picture of the bird reserve, of course there are no birds! See the extra for some birds in the bird reserve!
I've already commented on the similarity between this area and East Anglia and today just emphasised that similarity.  The baltic is non-tidal so the views are a little wider but I felt several times as if  I'd been teleported from Beijershamn till Mimsmere. Once we'd left the sea and were walking through the deciduous woods with their wide "rides" the connections to East Anglia felt even stronger.
We had a little sun, a fair bit of mist, and some rain too, all in the space of a two hour walk.
More pictures from today are on my flickr and yesterday's blip of the ringfort is here.

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