No twins today

I was unable to visit with the twins today because an infected toe sent me to the walk-in clinic for antibiotics and I wasn't finished in time to go with Lex.  Manda and Andrew wanted to look at a house and they needed to leave before I could get there.  I tell myself, there's always next Sunday.

The gulls were flying fast, crowds of them swooping across the sky right outside my window, but I couldn't really catch them with my lens.  So here is what I came up with - there are several gulls on the right side of the photo.  In Extra you can see them congregating on the roof of the car dealership across the alley.

Lex and I will be watching the PNB performance at her house tomorrow, since we were both somewhat tired today.  Looking forward to seeing it on the larger screen this time.  I wonder when, if ever, we'll be able to attend live performances again.

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