A Day In The Life

By Irish59


Cloudy, cold and windy. Even I was up before the birds. I think they slept in to avoid the not so welcome 28 degrees f / -2c this morning. Full feeders, fresh water and assorted snacks awaited their arrival • A quiet day overall. It’s my second day feeling a bit under the weather. Since I rarely come in contact with anyone it’s strange to be ill but I must have picked up a few germs on our last grocery outing. Mrs.P is fine, and I do not have any covid symptoms, in case you were wondering. No worries, I’ll be back to my ol’ self in another day or two • I’ll leave you with these words from Simon and Garfunkel and their song “Cloudy” - My thoughts are scattered and they’re cloudy; They have no borders, no boundaries; They echo and they swell; from Tolstoy to Tinker Bell • That pretty much sums up where I’m at. This tufted titmouse too • Stay Well!

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