Arizona Dreamin’

By laurie54

Backyard Crash

I already posted my blip for Wednesday

The first thing I do when I walk from the bedroom to the living room each morning is to peek through the blinds on the sliding glass door.  I couldn't believe that I was watching as a mean ol' Curve-billed thrasher came soaring in and did a hard landing on the Birdhouse Café. Even without my hearing aids, I could hear the resounding THUD.  I took a picture through the glass, got dressed (my neighbors are back from Michigan for the winter so no more pajamas in the yard) and went out to do the autopsy.  It may be salvageable with some industrial strength glue but it's pretty old. I'm probably better off getting a new one. In the meantime, I have a log suet feeder I can hang.

We've set heat records the last couple of days and should for at least a couple more. I really shouldn't need to be running my air conditioning during the 3rd week of November. It got up to 92°/33°. For context, the previous record high was 83°/28°

I've gotten a lot of sleep the last few nights. The quality of the sleep could be better but I know that will come. I'm still forcing myself to get out every day for at least a couple of hours. Next thing on the agenda is to get some groceries that aren't low fiber. Time to eat more fruits and veggies. Yea!

On a sadder note, my oldest cousin who lives in Italy lost her husband suddenly this morning. They have four grown children and ten grandchildren, all of whom live near Andrea, which is a blessing. I only met Francesco once, when Andrea brought him home to meet the family after they got engaged. That was over 40 years ago. Hard to believe that we are all getting so old.

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