Turtles All The Way Down

By Stacebob

Trying Something

Giving these a whirl to see if they'll help me get to sleep. I don't know what's been going on with my brain the last 3ish weeks but it's like it waits for my head to hit the pillow before switching into full gear. Weirdly, it's not even like it's racing with big, important thoughts. More often than not it's just daydreams about nonsense, though occasionally it's also things like "Ooh, I must remember to get some bathroom cleaner in the next shop" and other quite mundane stuff. Fingers crossed these help!

In other news, I took the afternoon off work today after struggling through the morning with a corking headache that paracetamol wouldn't touch, and ended up experiencing Captain Corelli's Mandolin as Rich is watching loads of Nick Cage films. Despite being a war movie that's fairly serious, I couldn't take any of it seriously at all because the display of poorly attempted accents was just wild!

Also, in food news, Rich and I have recently started sampling fast food festive options, and thus far have been unimpressed. KFC's gravy menu was pretty good, but ruined by their 'gravynnaise' (firmly in the "Just because you can doesn't mean you should" category) which has a slightly acidic, almost vomit-y aftertaste. Pizza Hut's chicken & stuffing pizza would have been fantastic, if it weren't for the red wine sauce in place of the usual pizza sauce, that had a weird tangy booze flavour that absolutely did not pair well with the cheese. Look, I try these things so you don't have to :P

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