
BB was off to rugby and the sun was shining.  I pottered and did some chores.  He came home with half the rugby pitch which has gone down our plug hole.  Meanwhile I hung out my washing and decided it was time to get out in the sunshine.  I got my coat and was looking for my sunglasses when I noticed it was pouring.  It had literally been about two minutes since I was outside.  I couldn’t believe it.  Typical Scottish weather – all seasons in half an hour.  Anyway before too long the sun appeared again and I popped out for my walk, came home had lunch and next time I looked out it was raining again!
TT has been involved in some kind of on line open day today.  It didn’t sound like they had much interest from prospective students.  He then moved seamlessly to watching football, or maybe he was watching it anyway!  That meant I had to pop out for a few things for tea, but he had agreed to cook.
A quiet evening, TT and I watched the last two episodes of Spiral.  We are up to date now and await series 8.
Life is very samey at the moment. – if that is even a word.  I went on a well-worn walking route today. Spotted these rosehips in the sunshine after the rain.

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