One Red Rose

Was all that mr Lif brought me back from St Andrews today! Romantic or cheapskate? You decide ;). It is a rather lovely rose.

I met an old client at our workshop yesterday. He was a client both mike and I worked with back in 2003 before we got together. The client told me he had been rather surprised to learn that we were now an item. It appears our lovely gossipy receptionist had brought him up to speed when he had enquired as to my health when booking the course.

So the chat went like this;
Client: so I hear you and mike are married now
Me : oh yes, been together for ages now
Client : well I never would have thought it when you worked together
Me : oh? Why is that?
Client : well he was a bit of a show off, loved talking and you always had to pull him back down to earth. Keep him grounded and on track. You seemed to have your hands full!
Me : Yup!

Long before we even got together our clients used to ask us if we were married. They kind of got our relationship and the way we worked and fired off one another. Mike would do bad cop and I would do good cop. He would do know it all, I would contradict him. Good humour was the key. It helped us get through the days, particularly when the clients were challenged in the IT department.

I guess it's stood us in good stead :)

Now, where's the rest of my bunch of flowers Mr Lif??

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