Indecent Exposure

By Mahf00d

Every Lidl Helps

Googled the title to check how original and witty I was, turns out not much.

I woke up feeling like crap. This has been going on for ages. No matter how much I sleep, I still feel like crap. Decided to power through it and go for a walk as the sunny weather outside was very alluring.

Walked to a lot of places; Victoria Park, Riverside Walk, The Canal. I have a terrible sense of direction so even though I could probably tell where I am going based on where I am heading, I didn't know and that made it better in a way. Discovered a playlist in my iPod that I made 3-4 years ago and it shocked me how much my music taste have changed. I wouldn't say for the worse or better as that's subjective, but quite a bit.

Took quite a few pictures, but none were really good. I guess I was more focused on the walk itself than the picture taking. Came across Lidl, which I've heard good things about, but didn't have money on me and wasn't going to carry grocieries back home after all the walking I did anyways.

Lovely day, despite how it started.

And totally guilty of split-toning here, and bad attempt at that.

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