Joining the Party

It made me smile to see this gull strolling over to the other two, turning round and facing into the wind like it's pals. And my was it windy on West Runton beach this afternoon where G and I had gone for a walk. It made it feel a lot colder than 11C, but the main challenge was to hear what each other was saying being 2m apart. I've also included an Extra of interesting silhouettes. This morning I replaced the furniture and drawers, still quite a bit still to do before I can put my xmas decs up. A couple of evenings ago I was commenting on blip and ValC mentioned a favourite old book local to Norfolk that she'd been looking at. I went on Amazon, and could only get it 'used' although 'like new'. The following morning at 11 the seller turned up to deliver it, turns out he's an seller of old and out of print books based in Holt!

Day 261 / Day 27 of Lockdown 2 (for my record only)
UK deaths up 603 to 59,051 (revised basis), with 13,430 new cases, 15,438 patients in hospital and 1,415 on ventilation. There have now been c74,000 deaths in the UK where Covid-19 was on the death certificate. The ONS reports that a fifth of all deaths in E&W in w/e 20/11 had Covid-19 on the death certificate. Deaths in Russia pass 40,000. The new tiers system was passed easily by MPs despite a Tory revolt as Labour abstained. From Wed care home residents can receive visitors if they test negative, with over a million tests being sent to care home providers over the next month. PPE must still be worn, and CQC registered providers will receive free PPE supplies for this. A study on only 10 people using a new scanning technique has revealed lung damage in the 8 reporting persistent shortage of breath, but where a traditional scan showed no problem and they hadn't been admitted to intensive care or needed ventilation, They are hoping the trial will be extended to see if younger people are affected and if the damage is permanent. A pub landlord is attempting to get round Tier 2 restrictions by serving a new beer called 'substantial meal' - absolutely pathetic. Debenhams is to close, leaving 12,000 jobs at risk. The Queen and Prince Philip will spend xmas quietly in Windsor for the first time in 33 years as the usual large family gathering at Sandringham is not possible under restrictions in place. 

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