All the girls

We usually feed the goats in the second enclosure. They are more accessible and friendlier. 

On the way back we passed the girls in the other enclosure. 4 are relatively newcomers. The original 3 always seemed to stick together.  So had to take this photo of all seven socialising.  They are pretty tiny compared to the males! 

Fabulous weather again. Cool, but not in the sun. 

Was double checking the online guidance for Mr B’s citizenship application. Discovered it is insufficient to just submit scans of my passport photograph page. They need a scan of every single page, blank or not. 35 pages in total.  So spent a good couple of hours scanning and uploading the scans. 

I believe they can do this at the appointment at the end of the month, but am not really happy hanging around in a public venue any longer than necessary. 

Going to watch TV in bed ...

Thanks to carol_dunham for hosting today’s Tiny Tuesday.

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