Kendall is here

By kendallishere

The Grandmothers

Backblip from Sunday, posted Thursday 

In the 90s, toward the end of Sue’s time of working with clay, she created a series of rather large standing sculptures, about 15 to 20 inches tall, that she called “The Grandmothers.” She used slab technique and a type of wash rather than a glaze, and then she fired them in a large borrowed kiln. I asked her if she was imagining the grandmother she would become or remembering her grandmothers. 

“Neither.” She was quiet for a while and then said, almost so quietly that I couldn’t hear it, “They were meant to be presences. Maybe emissaries from invisible realms.” She laughed, “I guess I was, exploring…no, maybe...honoring Mystery with them.”

There's another in Extras. Clearer in Large.

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