Wet, wet, wet

There were more bangs and crashes in the night, earlier, thunderhail. Woke me up and was agreed before I got back to sleep. Consequently I did not get up to after Ian Rankin has finished on 'Saturday Live'

I dittered around most of the day while outside it rained and rained and rained. Made soup, tinkered with sourdough starter and bought some more Christmas presents after a chat with #3 son. Later mum phoned which was nice.

I now have 2 Christmas cards and I started to write mine. And I finally have in and ordered a Chinese take away. Even for me it was hot with a surfeit of green chillies. I wish they'd bring hungry chili chicken back.

Watched 3 episodes of the next French drama 'The Announcer', a period piece set in RTF in the early 60's - de Gaulle, Kennedy and the OAS. It stars Gregory Fitoussi who was killed off in 'Engrenages'.

Two disturbed nights have taken their toll on me so an early night.

F2F - 0
Phone calls - 2
Virtual - 0

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