Busy afternoon!

We had some sunshine on and off this morning. Nice to see it after the gloom of yesterday.
Had more cards arrive.
I also spoke to my friend on the phone that I usually take out on a Thursday.
The one who’s speech is not good.
It was 3 years exactly since her stroke.
She is missing being able to go out for a coffee or a trip to the Garden Centre and shopping is out as she still cannot recognise coin and note values.
It is so hard with her daughters living in London. One of them comes up each week, for 3 days.
Sorting out what needs doing and stocking up her food.
I haven’t been able to see her since Stephen had his operation and then we were locked down once more.
We’re going to drive over to take her something for Christmas, a socially distanced chat on her drive, as a surprise.
I was busy after lunch wrapping the presents to go to the family and then carefully boxing them in some of the ones we have had deliveries in ourselves.
They all come in useful!
They need to be robust to send by post.
As you can see the Christmas tree was assembled but didn’t have any lights on at the time I took the photo.
Stephen popped out to take some cards and to go to the Post Office with the presents we had for his brother and wife, who live in Grassington, North Yorkshire.
At the moment it is now very dark and raining hard outside.
I have all the candles glowing, along with the extra strings of lights. The outside ones on the porch are brightening up the gloom outside.
I will hang the decorations on the tree tomorrow.
Time for tea!

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