Starving for the other

By peanut

jail for a cause.

Spent all of Saturday at Relay for Life with my friends. It was fun, 24 hours walking around the track, playing apples to apples, Werewolf, scrabble, sending Sean to JAIL where he had to raise $13.17 to get out! Also got to see my cousin who battled cancer and survived, so that was nice! I won three things in the silent auction too! Well I paid $95 total, but it all went for a good cause. Got a starbucks gift basket for my sister for her birthday, nice earrings, and a semester pass to the fun classes at the gym!

Bad parts: COLD weather, but I was able to sleep a little with thanks to my friend Rachel who brought 6 SLEEPING BAGS for us to camp out it. Then there was the TECHNO MUSIC FOR 24 HOURS, RIGHT ACROSS FROM OUR TENT!! 24 hours of "boo boo boom bee bee bop..." AHHH! Then woke up in the morning feeling really sick and did "get sick" in the porter potty....

finally back to my dorm for an hour of sleep and waking up to myself shouting "NO CHELSEA!" Because in the dream my friend Chelsea spit water on me while we were climbing up the tent...


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