Littlemouse Adventures

By LitlemouseLilly

Poorly paw

So last night Ferd was lick, lick, lick with his paw. I couldn't see or feel anything and he seemed to settle down. Then he yelped going up the stairs but I found a little twig with thorns and then the licking started again.

I was getting a little grumpy by this point as all the animals were being naughty. So I made Ferd get in the bath so I could clean his feet to get a better look. Well I am glad that I did has he has a nasty gash on one of the pads. So I put a dressing on it and bandaged it up.

So this morning I dropped Jeeves and Wooster off at the vets for their little op to removed their little furry balls, then took Ferd in.

Bunnies are fine came round ok have eaten and are now both sporting lampshades.

Ferd has been stitched up and is sleepy from the sedation but is sporting a rather funky bandage and has some special food for his dinner.

I get to go back to the vets tomorrow with 2 rabbits for post op check, 1 dog for wound check and 1 cat for microchip. I think I need a trolley for the pet carrier and maybe an ark to transport them all.

Its certainly been an expensive week.

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